Meet with W4W's 3 directors at 5th West to discuss this years protocol for volunteering at our Surf Therapy Clinics. We have 3 types of volunteering positions for our clinics.
'Shore Support'. Led by Sarah, she will fortify you in your position as a volunteer and find where you can be most helpful- out of the water. This group will monitor those in the ocean from the shoreline and be a welcoming commitee for those transitioning from their ocean experience back to the meeting area.
'Wellness Support' Kathie will lead this groups meeting. Wellness volunteers sit and hold space and often contribute to wellness discussions, which is a vital part of our group clinic. These volunteers are also helpful as emotional support for participants needing a break from their ocean time.
'Surf Support' Sparky will answer any questions or concerns about working safely with people in the ocean. She and Sarah are both Red Cross Lifegaurd Certified and have created some fantastic additional safety guidelines for the W4W Surf Coaches, surf support and those interestetd in working side by side with others in the water.
We are both honored and excited to serve our community with awesome volunteers such as yourselves! This is also INTRENATIONAL WOMENS DAY and we hope to honor this by spending a few minutes together after our meeting to acknowledge and celebrate ALL WOMEN. Bring a blanket to sit on and a coffee mug b/c we plan to have hot coffee supplied by BERTs that morning!